Grassroots #SickOfItTX campaign addresses nation’s worst uninsured rate, aims to make health care top issue for 2020/2021 September 18, 2019 | Texas
Child Poverty New Census Data Reveals Continued Child Poverty Crisis in America September 10, 2019 | National
Child Health Statement from the Children’s Defense Fund: Significant Increase in Uninsured Children is Alarming and Must Be Halted September 10, 2019 | National
How Can We Be Ready to Do Better? CDF-TX Proposes Interim Studies to the Texas Legislature August 20, 2019 | Texas
CDF-Texas Denounces Proposed Federal Rule Changes on Healthcare: "Government agencies must protect all the people they serve, no matter their identity." August 14, 2019 | Texas
Immigration Statement from the Children’s Defense Fund: Reckless and immoral Public Charge rule will harm millions of children August 12, 2019 | National
Child Health Ohio Sees Deep Declines in Child Benefit Enrollment: Economic Improvement May Only Tell Part of the Story August 1, 2019 | Ohio