Press Release
‘Black Empowerment Festival’ to Celebrate the Accomplishments of Galveston’s African American Community
Black Empowerment Fest: Roots & Resilience will also feature a Black History talent show and multiple events aimed at improving the mental health of Galveston’s Black residents.
| Texas -
Youth Justice
CDF-CA Youth Justice Director Milinda Kakani speaks to California Senate Subcommittee about the state of California's Juvenile Justice system
Children's Defense Fund-California Youth Justice Director Milinda Kakani recently provided a California Senate Subcommittee with testimony on her observations of Los Angeles County's juvenile justice system.
| California -
Youth Justice
WEDS: CDF-CA Youth Justice Director to Share Testimony on CA’s Juvenile Justice System as State Questions Whether Two LA County Juvenile Facilities are Unsuitable to Confine Youth
Los Angeles, CA—On Wednesday, staff from Children’s Defense Fund-California and several other California youth advocacy organizations will provide lawmakers in Sacramento with their observations on the state of California’s juvenile justice system since the passing of Senate Bill 823 and the closure of the Division of Juvenile Justice.
| California -
Mississippi Public Broadcasting Interviews CDF-SRO Director Oleta Fitzgerald After Mississippi Rejects Federal Funds for Summer Food Assistance
In January, Mississippi leaders announced they would turn down federal funds provided through the United States Department of Agriculture's Summer EBT program to help feed families and children this summer.
| Southern Regional Office -
Child Poverty
CDF-NY Calls on the U.S. Senate to Approve the Expansion of the Child Tax Credit
Today, our U.S. Senate has the power - in the form of the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024 - to prioritize marginalized children, young people, and their families by voting in favor of the expansion of the Child Tax Credit (CTC).
| New York -
CDF-Texas, Partners Urge TX School Districts to Refrain from Rating Library Books According to HB 900
On Monday, nine organizations, including CDF-TX, sent more than 1,200 superintendents in Texas a letter informing them HB 900 book ratings imposed on booksellers cannot be enforced at this time.
| Texas -
CDF-Texas to Celebrate ‘Children’s Sabbath’ in Houston on January 28th
On Sunday, January 28, 2024, Children’s Defense Fund-Texas will join community members and activists to celebrate Children’s Sabbath at Trinity East United Methodist Church, in Third Ward.
| Texas -
CDF-Texas Applauds Federal Appeals Court’s Decision Ruling Key Aspects of Texas Book Rating Law Unconstitutional
Children’s Defense Fund-Texas welcomes a federal court decision to block parts of a Texas law that would have effectively required booksellers to rate the literature they sell to schools based on vague and arbitrary standards of “explicitness”.
| Texas -
The Children’s Defense Fund – New York Calls for a ‘Whole Child, Whole Community’ State Budget & Legislative Priorities’
Today, as a part of its celebration of the life and world-changing legacy of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., renowned civil rights activist and one of the greatest nonviolent leaders in world history, the Children’s Defense Fund – New York (CDF-NY) releases its Fiscal Year 2024- 2025 Legislative and Budget Agenda, titled Prioritizing the Whole Child, Whole Community’s Needs: New York State Budget and Legislative Priorities FY2024-2025.
| New York